Blue Jay Singing in the Dead of Night is the story of JAY JARRELL, a once legendary disc jockey from 60's "Underground" radio who finds himself a decade later stuck in the era of less talk, more hits radio. Now in his late forties to early fifties, he's been relegated to a graveyard shift and to working with an engineer, MAX, who is determined to squeeze him into the mold of the new FM DJ, all gloss and no substance. Meanwhile, Jay's much younger songwriter girlfriend, LAURA, whose career he's been nurturing, is wanting to try her own wings, and secretly begins to work with a musician, STEVE, on the side. This relationship satisfies her deepest musical longings, but also veers into the romantic. When these two realities converge for Jay, they propel him into a final act that some might call inspiration, others, lunacy, but that is ultimately a proclamation of the self against the odds.
Note: There are 4 onstage parts and three "callers" (voice only) so some doubling is possible.
Genre: Drama
Runtime: 115 - 125 Minutes
Cast: (Male/Female): 4-5/1-2